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Application for the ACFI Dance Competition

Closed 2024.png
Thank you for applying to be part of the ACFI costume dance competition! All ages and skill levels of participants are welcome.

  The dance comp will feature dancers performing to music that they have chosen. If you are looking for competitive 1-on-1 dancing to DJ-selected music, you want the 'Dance-off' event. You are allowed to perform in both.

  Participants need to wear a costume for their routine, but fursuits are not required. Other forms of cosplay are great! It does need to be some sort of costume, though.

  Participants will be divided into 'Novice' and 'Veteran' categories. Pick the category that you feel suits you best. If this is your first dance competition in costume but you have been doing ballet for years, you might be a veteran!

  There will be a tryout/technical rehearsal on the day before the competition, where applicants will need to perform part of their routine. Costumes are not required for this but it's a good opportunity for a dry run. If there isn't enough time for all applicants to have a turn on stage, performances will be evaluated and a lineup will be chosen.

The technical rehearsal is also a chance to verify music tracks (please bring an extra copy of your music on a flash drive), get a sense for the space, run though the format of the show and ask any last minute questions you have.

  Please attach a copy of the music you intend to use for your performance. Two minutes will be given to each person; edit your music down to that length (preferred) or we will fade the track out at the 2:00 mark. Good quality MP3 tracks are preferred (256K+ bitrate). Songs should be radio edits with obscenities bleeped or muted.

Please be sure to fill out the application entirely.
Would you like to be evaluated as part of the 'Novice' or 'Veteran' category? (note that you might be moved to a different category at the tryouts)
Will you be performing solo or as part of a group?
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The email provided above will be the inital form of contact, however, the ACFI requires than more than one form of contact for correspondence. Please provide a secondary form of conact that we may use. (Select all that apply)
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